
The homework is due Monday unless differently stated.
This page can be subject to modifications during the quarter: keep checking it!

Day Material covered in the lecture Homework due
Week 1
September 25
Presentation of the course,
Review of Integration (Sections
15.1, 15.2, 15.3 and 15.4)
September 27 Review of Integration (Sections
15.1, 15.2, 15.3 and 15.4)
Week 2
September 30
Quiz (on itegration),
Section 15.5
Not collected (review):
§15.2: #7, 13, 17, 27;
§15.3: #5, 13, 21, 43, 47;
§15.4: #1, 3, 17, 21, 25.
October 2 Section 15.7  
October 4 Section 15.8  
Week 3
October 7
Section 15.9 §15.5: #6, 10, 12, 18;
§15.7: #6, 12, 18, 31, 55(a)
    (for 55(a), give justification, not just the region).
October 9 Section 15.10  
October 11 Sections 15.6  
Week 4
October 14
Section 16.6 §15.8: #3, 7, 9, 11, 19, 20;
§15.9: #1, 5, 9, 20, 23, 39;
§15.10: #3, 13, 15, 23 (not collected, but think about 22).
October 16 Sections 14.5, 14.6  
October 18 Sections 14.5, 14.6  
Week 5
October 21
Review for the midterm §15.6: #2, 7, 12;
§16.6: #3, 4, 20, 25, 33 (picture not required), 41, 45, 48;
Suggested for more practice (not an homework):
§14.5: #3, 10, 24, 38, 40, 45;
§14.6: #4, 10, 16, 24, 31, 40, 47;
§15.7: #1,3,5,7,9,11,13;
§15.8: #1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17.
October 23 Midterm  
October 25 Section 16.1  
Week 6
October 28
Sections 16.2, 16.3 No homework
October 30 Sections 16.3  
November 1 Sections 16.4  
Week 7
November 4
Sections 16.4, 16.5 §16.1: #2, 6, 12, 31, 32, 34;
§16.2: #2, 8, 14, 17, 21, 42, 51;
§16.3: #1, 6, 8, 16.
November 6 GvC  
November 8 GvC  
Week 8
November 11
No class  
November 13 Quiz §16.4: #1, 3, 7, 12, 18, 21;
§16.5: #1, 9, 11, 12, 14, 16, 20, 30
(for 30, note instructions above the problem)
November 15 Section 16.7  
Week 9
November 18
Section 16.8 §16.7: #4, 6, 10, 20, 25, 28, 37, 43 with addition, 49.
    In #43, also find the flow rate outward through
the half of the cylinder where y > 0.
November 20 Section 16.9  
November 22 Differential forms  
Week 10
November 25
Quiz §16.8: #1, 5, 13, 15
    (for more practice, #10, 14, 16);
§16.9: #5, 7, 19, 24, 27
    (for more practice, #1, 10).
November 27 Differential Forms  
November 29 No class  
Week 11
December 2
Differential forms  
December 4 Review for the final From the notes on Differential forms:
2,3,7, 8(a), 9(a)(b),10,11(b),12(a),13,14,15
December 6 Review for the final  
December 11,