The textbook for this course is Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, 10th edition, by Boyce and DiPrima.
Homework should be neat and easy to understand. You should show all the work in order to get a full score. Unstapled homework solutions will not be accepted.
Each homework set will have three problems which are graded (0-2 pts each) and up to 4 points will be awarded for completion (thus it will be graded out of 10). Late homework will only be graded for completion.
There is a review quiz on differential equations.There are two midterms and the final exam.
Dates of exams can be found on the Calendar.
There are no make-up exams. If you have a compelling, unavoidable, and well-documented reason for missing a test, you should speak with the instructor as soon as possible.
I will drop the lowest homework score, and the homework will count for 10% of your final grade. The quiz is worth 5%, each midterm is worth 25%, and the final is 35%.
Attendance is very important for this class. If you miss a day of lecture it is your responsibility to catch up with the material. There is no guarantee that the topic missed will be covered again during lectures.
If you have a documented disability and wish to discuss academic accommodations, please contact me as soon as possible.
This is a link to another instructor FAQ. It applies to this course as well.