
The textbook is Calculus, by Stewart, or Multivariable Calculus, by Stewart, seventh edition. We will also be using some notes on Differential Forms, and some notes on Geometry vs Calculus (GvC)..


Homework is generally collected on Mondays, and you can find it on the calendar. I do not use WebAssign.
Since there are no quiz sections, you should think of the homework as the equivalent. Doing the homework - making your hands dirty with computations - is as important as studying.
Beware that the homework on the calendar can change (up to a week before its due day), so that you should keep checking.


During the quarter, there will be three quizzez. Each one will be a 30 minutes test. You will be allowed to bring a scientific calculator (NOT a graphic one), and a one handwritten sheet of notes (one-page).

The first quiz will be on Monday, September 30th, and will be a review of integration.
The second quiz will be on Wednesday, November 13th.
The third quiz will be on Monday, November 25th.


There will be one midterm and one final exam. All exams will only be on materials we have seen in the lectures (unless otherwise stated). This means that you do not have to worry about learning formulas in the textbook unless I mention them in class. On the other hand, in the lectures I may mention a result not in the textbook, and you will be expected to know that result.
There are no make-up exams. If you have a compelling, unavoidable, and well-documented reason for missing an exam, talk with me as soon as possible.
For all exams, you can bring a scientific calculator, but NOT a graphic one. One handwritten sheet of notes is also allowed (two-sided). And remember to bring your student ID.

The midterm will be on Wednesday, October 23rd, in class, and will cover chapter 15 and the sections 16.6, 14.5 and 14.6.
The final will be on Wednesday, December 11th, 8:30-10:20, in LOW 201 (the usual room).


The final grade will be based on homework, quizzes and exams, in the following proportion:

Quizzes10% (each)